
Words matter. Couple that with a bulletproof messaging strategy and a bold brand identity, and you’ll be setting yourself and your firm up for success.

Explore the Communications offerings to learn how to develop and implement internal and external messaging strategies that broaden the impact of your firm’s programs and brand position.

Enhanced Education Tools

Strengthen your communication skills by leveraging the tools available here — a roadmap to visualize your path forward, a brief skills assessment and a competency analysis to identify professional development opportunities.

Skills Assessment Competency Analysis

To Market a Crisis Practice, Train the Attorneys in Crisis Communications
To Market a Crisis Practice, Train the Attorneys in Crisis Communications
Clients and law firms benefit when their attorneys can skillfully navigate competing interests in a crisis. Unfortunately for many attorneys, crisis skills are rarely taught; they are picked up haphazardly — if at all — over the years. Author Tilden Katz explains how a more formal training...
Winning With Local Services Ads: Setup, Success & Strategy for Law Firms
Winning With Local Services Ads: Setup, Success & Strategy for Law Firms
Join the LMA Business to Consumer Marketing SIG for a deep dive...
Chambers Submissions Demystified: A Roadmap for Law Firms
Chambers Submissions Demystified: A Roadmap for Law Firms
Take a break from compiling matter descriptions and referee...

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PR & Communications SIG

Digital marketing more your interest? Join the Social & Digital Media SIG.

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Strategies & Voices is the official online publication of LMA, serving as a central repository for content tailored to today’s legal marketing and business development professionals' needs. This multimedia site features thought leadership, best practices, the latest trends and issues facing the industry, resources to boost career advancement and much more. Content is strategically chosen by a team of LMA volunteers, and powered by expert insights and member stories.

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