About This Partnership
LMA is proud to partner with Practising Law Institute (PLI), a leading nonprofit learning organization in the legal industry, to offer new, complimentary educational offerings to LMA members. A renowned resource for attorneys and other professionals, PLI offers the highest-quality, accredited, continuing legal and professional education programs featuring volunteer speakers who are widely recognized as leading experts in their field.
Attorneys rely on legal marketing professionals to develop and win business, find opportunities for thought leadership and position their practices for competitive success. This means that legal marketers need an understanding of both the business of law and the latest trends and developments in legal practice. Recognizing the interest of our members in expanding their knowledge, we have partnered with PLI to offer exclusive and complimentary access to a select PLI program each quarter as part of your LMA membership. Each program is carefully curated for LMA members by the LMA Educational Advisory Council (EAC).