Technology Management

Technology changes every day. Are you up to the task? Learn how to identify, implement and effectively manage the technology and respective staff members that support marketing and business development.

Enhanced Education Tools

Gain the tech savvy you need by leveraging the tools available here — a roadmap to visualize your path forward, a brief skills assessment and a competency analysis to identify professional development opportunities.

Skills Assessment Competency Analysis

Breaking Down Effective Prompting for AI
Breaking Down Effective Prompting for AI
As generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are becoming increasingly integrated into everyday workflows, writing effective prompting is an essential skill. Generative AI can help accelerate small, but frequent tasks and increase productivity in day-to-day marketing and business development...
We’ve Got the Power! A Roundtable Discussion of Power BI Journeys in Law Firms
We’ve Got the Power! A Roundtable Discussion of Power BI Journeys in Law Firms
Join the LMA Marketing Technology SIG for a roundtable discussion...
Drop That Spreadsheet! Using Tech to Upgrade your BD Pipeline and Enhance ROI
Drop That Spreadsheet! Using Tech to Upgrade your BD Pipeline and Enhance ROI
Hey you! Put down that spreadsheet! We’ll show you how...

Strategies & Voices is the official online publication of LMA, serving as a central repository for content tailored to today’s legal marketing and business development professionals' needs. This multimedia site features thought leadership, best practices, the latest trends and issues facing the industry, resources to boost career advancement and much more. Content is strategically chosen by a team of LMA volunteers, and powered by expert insights and member stories.

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