Industry Research

Industry Research

The legal profession is based on facts and precedent and the Legal Marketing Association wants to ensure you are equipped with the tools you need to make your case. Whether looking for a new position or advocating for a promotion, LMA provides primary and secondary research on data and tracks trends that show how the role of legal marketers continues to evolve.

Dig in to these research reports to find the information you need to make the case for your next big project.

2024 RubyLaw Marketing Technology Blueprint

The 2024 RubyLaw Marketing Technology Blueprint visualization provides the most comprehensive and inclusive documentation of the systems and tools deployed by law firms of all sizes. It includes an "all-sector" version, showing the overall picture of systems and tools used by all law firms, as well as revenue-segmented versions to help legal marketers and business developers to assess their firm's selections and standing in comparison to other firms of a similar revenue.

It also includes a sample stack and a blank stack, allowing teams to map their own current or future stacks. Plus, it includes links for teams to be able to request a personalized version of their firm's stack via the "Map Your Stack" initiative.

2023 ALM Perceptions Survey of Senior Legal Leaders and Legal Marketers 

Dive into this survey conducted by in partnership with LMA that measured senior legal leaders' and marketers' perception of marketing, identifying areas of alignment and diverging perspectives.

Click here to download the report.


Previous Research

Learn About Compensation and Benefits

Click here to download the 2020 ALA Compensation & Benefits Survey,

Legal Marketing Segmented Report

Do you want to know how you and your marketing and business development team’s compensation and benefits compare to other firms? New for 2020, we collaborated with ALA on its Compensation and Benefits Survey to include 14 marketing and business development roles to better reflect the legal marketing positions of today. Purchase the 2020 Legal Marketing Segmented Report for detailed findings and insights specific to marketing and business development.

Where Are We Now? Revealing the Latest Trends in Legal Marketing and Business Development

Discover the trends in legal marketing and business development in the joint LMA and Bloomberg Law survey of 190 marketing/business development professionals and 135 attorneys.

2017 Joint LMA-Bloomberg Law Survey

2018 Joint LMA-Bloomberg Law Survey

Aligning Marketing and Business Development Resources for Law Firm Growth

Dig in to the responses from these 167 marketing/business development professionals and find a treasure-trove of useful stats and statistics to help sell your next structural or budgetary pitch.

2016 Joint LMA-Bloomberg Law Survey

Are We There Yet? Revealing the Latest Trends in Legal Marketing and Business Development

In 2016, as part of our first benchmarking study, this survey set the baseline for measuring trends in legal marketing and business development. This survey revealed that 67% of attorneys and marketers agree that their firms are increasing emphasis and focus on business development and marketing efforts. In addition to exploring areas of investment, this study also asked attorneys and marketing/business development professionals.

With responses from 172 marketers and 114 attorneys, this survey provides a great snapshot on the latest trends in legal marketing and business development from both perspectives. 

2016 Technology Perspectives from Joint Survey

Bridging The Gap: The State of Technology in Legal Business Development

This deep dive into the results of the 2016 Joint LMA-Bloomberg Law Survey related to marketing and business development technology reveals trends and opportunities for increased success. Reaching the next level of productivity and sophistication in marketing and business development across the firm will require successful use of technological tools. In this report, hear some of the most common pitfalls cited by those who have succeeded, and failed.

The ROI of Law Firm Submissions

How much are firms of different sizes spending on submissions to rankings and lists? What about the man-hours that go in to creating these submissions? How do you determine whether the results are worth the effort? Find out in this joint LMA and LFMP research conducted by BTI Consulting Group.

From Our Members: Evolution of CI in Law Firms

Law firm competitive intelligence (CI) is not new. Approximately half of the law firms participating in this study have had resources dedicated to CI for five or more years. This report from 2020, however, reveals there is significant work to be done to build CI capabilities to keep pace with the competitive and dynamic industry law has become. Click below to download the document. 

The 2020 Evolution of CI in Law Firms