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Positioning the Marketing Department (a.k.a. YOU) as a Business Imperative

Positioning the Marketing Department (a.k.a. YOU) as a Business Imperative

Sponsored by: Small Firm/Solo Marketer SIG and the Southwest Region
Domain: Marketing Management and Leadership 
BoK Competencies:  Firm Organizational Structures and Dynamics & Department Management and Motivation 

The marketing department is at the core of the business of a law firm and it is up to you to ensure that leadership fully understands how you impact the bottom line.  Most lawyers are not trained in business leadership let alone in marketing fundamentals so it is key that you put a stake in the ground  to show them what they need to know so that you can ensure that decision are based on facts and not opinion. 

Additionally, the speakers will look into their crystal balls and share trends and new developments to expect in the near future of the industry.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Identify qualities to display to earn a "seat at the table"
  • Discuss how to position yourself to be the person who collaborates 
  • Explain real-life anecdotes to understand how scenarios play out for success

Michelle Friends, Executive Director, Fairfield and Woods, P.C.
Jennifer Johnson, CEO, Calibrate Legal

Price: Complimentary for Members

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