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Achieving Inclusion in Our Industry: Making the Choice in 2022

Achieving Inclusion in Our Industry: Making the Choice in 2022

Domain: Marketing Management of Leadership, Business of Law

The rise of social justice movements resulting from the tragic events of 2020 galvanized the corporate world and required us to renew our personal and organizational commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). So why, despite seemingly sincere efforts and the commitment of significant resources, does the legal industry continue to lag behind corporate counterparts when it comes to DEI? Many firms say they have DEI programs in place, particularly as pressure from clients and employees continues to build. However, most firms are early in the process of formalizing DEI strategies and often conflate diversity with inclusion and inclusion with equity. The bottom line: Achieving a truly diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace depends on whether an organizational choice is made to fully commit to including diverse professionals in the mainstream of a firm’s business and opportunities. 

In this action-packed and interactive program, you’ll learn how DEI started in our industry with the now legendary DuPont Legal Model, and how current legal industry efforts and outcomes measure up to other sectors. We’ll consider the practical barriers to achieving inclusion, including the concept of “diversity fatigue” and its potential impact on DEI commitment in 2022. And we’ll brainstorm and discuss seven practical strategies to implement now to strengthen our commitment to being active allies for DEI in our firms. DEI is a work in progress in our organizations, and if you want to be part of that progress with new optimism for what can be achieved, join us for this “once-in-a-conference” program!

Learning Outcomes:
  • Engage in a “privilege bank exercise” to understand the practical and work-related implications of “privilege” and “unconscious bias,” and how both affect work-related opportunities and behaviors. 
  • Develop a comprehensive appreciation of the history of DEI in the legal profession beginning with the client-driven Dupont Legal Model (2004) and continuing to current initiatives and efforts.
  • Learn how the outcomes achieved in our profession compare to what corporate clients have accomplished, and the primary reasons for the achievement gap in law firms. 
  • Discuss what is meant by “diversity fatigue,” and how it may affect internal clients’ perceptions of the value of DEI efforts and derail important initiatives. Consider how to overcome the sense that “things will never change.”
  • Brainstorm and discuss seven practical strategies we can take to reinforce our commitment to being or becoming active allies of diverse colleagues and in support of genuine and transformative DEI. And walk out of this session refreshed, recharged, and ready to become a more active ally of diverse professionals in your workplace.
Ashlee Davis, Head of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity, Ancestry
Mary Carmel Kaczmarek, Esq., Coach/Trainer/Facilitator, Skillful Means Marketing LLC

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79

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