Making It Rain: Developing Women Rainmakers

Making It Rain: Developing Women Rainmakers

Domains: Business Development, Marketing Management and Leadership
Four incredible women rainmakers, from firms small to large, share the secrets to how they network, develop new clients and grow existing relationships.  By using a blend of real-world examples and actionable advice, we will provide each attendee with tips and ideas to take back to their office to help their women lawyers achieve great things. We will share findings from the most current statistics about women in the law and show how firms can improve the advancement of women as rainmakers. It is a field that, at many firms, it more difficult for women to take on leadership roles without a solid book of business. Steps can be taken within the legal profession to help even out the turf. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Provide actionable advice to the women and other minority groups with whom they work as to ways to develop business.
  • Provide guidance to their firm about arranging programs to help women lawyers become rainmakers.
  • Remove cultural and possibly compensation impediments to women as they aim to build their practices.  


Deborah Farone, CEO and Marketing Strategist, Farone Advisors LLC
Palminia Fava, Partner, Vinson & Elkins
Janice Brown, Principal, Meyers Nave
Susan Eandi, Partner, Baker McKenzie
Jess Heim, Partner, DLA Piper

Member Price: $79
Prospective Member Price: $99

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