Extending Your Firm’s Reach through Podcasting

Extending Your Firm’s Reach through Podcasting

Sponsored by: Social and Digital Media SIG
Domain: Communications 
BoK Competencies: Digital Marketing, Social Media and Engagement

Podcasts have gained popularity over the last several years, and it’s no surprise why. As technology evolves, so does the demands of consumers and the opportunities to reach them. In this busy world, a podcast can easily fit into a hectic schedule of an executive or attorney. And done well, podcasts can be a powerful marketing tool to support your firm’s brand and extend its reach. But how does your firm get started? How does it take the next step? Join the Social & Digital Media SIG for a webcast on leveraging podcasting to support your marketing efforts.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Discuss the basics of podcasting
  • Review the challenges of getting started and real success stories
  • Provide the steps to evaluate implement podcasting at your firm

      Marcie Dickson, CMO, Miles Mediation & Arbitration
      Jansen Ellis, Senior Marketing Counsel, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.

      Price: Complimentary for Members

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