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LMA Canada Regional Conference 2024: Big Data


No business is too small to be exempt from the benefits of big data. While we might not be the Googles and P&Gs of the world, like them, we have an unparalleled opportunity to leverage vast and growing volumes of data in our law firm growth and retention strategies. Big data can help reveal hidden patterns in client behaviour, campaign efficacy, market trends, and resource allocation to then inform client acquisition and pricing strategies.

This year’s LMA Canada Conference hosted in Niagara Falls, Ontario, is designed to equip legal marketing professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to transform their approach through data.

Join us for a transformative experience, which will not only enlighten but also empower your decision-making processes, setting your firm apart in the competitive landscape of legal services. Embrace the power of data and start navigating the future of legal marketing with confidence and precision!



Click here for a detailed look at our jam-packed programming that will include strategic and practical insights on data strategy, data v. culture, decluttering your firm’s data, analyzing the ROI of sponsorships and advertising, developing KPIs and impactful reporting, elevating growth through expert prospecting, how AI is reshaping the workforce, and more!


With a comprehensive lineup of keynotes, workshops, and networking opportunities, attendees will learn:

  • The Fundamentals: How data analytics refine marketing strategies, thwart random acts of marketing, articulate ROI and build a case to focus energies.
  • Analytical Techniques: Explore sophisticated data analysis methods to uncover insights and predict future trends. 
  • Practical Applications: Hear from leading experts and peers on how they've successfully applied data-driven strategies to achieve goals and overcome real-world challenges. 
  • Change Management and Governance: From stakeholder engagement and buy-in, to upskilling training, to data policies, quality control, and communication—what are steps you can take now to embed data analytics into your team and functions. 
  • The Future of Legal Marketing: Look ahead to the emerging technologies, which will shape the future of legal marketing, from AI and machine learning to privacy-enhancing technologies.



This conference is designed for all levels of the marketing and business development team:

  • CMOs with strategic leadership and vision development top of mind—you will lead the charge on how you align and empower your team to deliver competitive results. 
  • Marketing and BD Managers bridging strategic leadership and operational execution can enhance their skillsets and strategic application to provide invaluable insights. 
  • Specialists and Coordinators focused on execution will build their technical proficiency and grow from industry networking and best practices discussions. 
  • Vendors and Agencies keen to support the legal marketing industry have a strategic opportunity to strengthen engagements and learn about the opportunities firsthand.


Whether you're part of a large firm or a small practice, operating in niche areas of law or offering a wide range of services, understanding and applying data analytics will position you for success in a competitive market.



*ONE NIGHT HOTEL STAY INCLUDED - Details to be provided closer to the conference. LMA will take responsibility for your room booking, you do not need to book separately.

Thursday, November 7, 2024
6 p.m. – 9 p.m. ET
Location to be announced near the hotel.

Friday, November 8, 2024
8 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET  
Crowne Plaza Niagara Falls 
5685 Falls Ave, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6W7



This is an in-person-only event. HST will be applied to all registration costs.
Important: Registration fee includes the social and one overnight hotel stay on Thursday and full-day conference with breakfast, lunch, and two coffee breaks on Friday.

Regular Price

  • Member: $550
  • Prospective Members: $650



BIG logo
ClientsFirst Consulting logo
cubicle fugitive logo
JD Supera logo
Lexpert & Canadian Lawyer logo
Litera logo
Mondaq logo
PipelinePlus logo


Should you no longer be able to attend the conference, your registration may be transferred if requested before September 27, 2024, however, additional fees may apply if you transfer from a member to a non-member. All requests must be made via email to lmacanada@legalmarketing.org. There will be no refunds.



Questions can be directed to our Co-Chairs, Amrita Kochhar or Suzanne Donnels.


IMPORTANT! Click all the way through the registration process. 

Please make sure you toggle your country to Canada for registration in the top menu bar. 

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