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Law Firm Business Development: Coaching for Coaches

Law Firm Business Development: Coaching for Coaches

Domain: Business Development

It’s not enough to just hire experienced marketing and business development professionals — you also have to train them to coach your lawyers. Client demands, information accessibility and the technology explosion have resulted in a rapid change of pace and an “age of business development specialization.” To stay competitive, productive and profitable, you must recognize the need for ongoing, results-driven internal coaching (training) programs.

This session will focus on the practical platform skills and confidence your team needs to succeed and put the latest BD trends and techniques at your fingertips.

Topics include:

  • The background and theory behind business development coaching for lawyers
  • Tips for effectively communicating key messages while coaching
  • Best practices for utilizing business development interactive/experiential delivery tools and techniques, including individual business development plans and pipeline management
  • Strategies for managing touchy topics , such as listening to your clients’ needs and asking for business

Stuart Goodman, Chief Business Development Officer, Goodman Business Development
Trish Lilley, Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79