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Fostering Service Delivery Innovation: Foundations of Effective Change Management in a Law Firm

Fostering Service Delivery Innovation: Foundations of Effective Change Management in a Law Firm

Domain:  Business of Law

This session will involve a presentation outlining the need for client service delivery innovation in the legal industry and identifying the six key biases preventing significant innovation in law firms (Training, Form, Incentive, Mindset, Investment, and Risk). Using a case study, the presenters will explain how their firm has addressed and overcome each bias in their pursuit of a culture of client service innovation before presenting a tool called the Innovation Health Assessment designed to enable self-evaluation of a firm’s innovation culture. The audience will be encouraged to work together in small groups to model the self-evaluation and share best practices from their own organizations’ innovation efforts.
Topics Include:

  • Identify cultural biases that stand in the way of innovation in their organization.
  • Develop strategies for overcoming innovation biases.
  • Self-assess their organization’s innovation culture and identify areas most ripe for change.

Brian Fanning, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Sam Davenport, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79

 This session includes video, audio and synced presentations for an enhanced virtual learning experience.