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TED-TALK Segment 2: Tech West Conference

TED-TALK Segment 2: Tech West Conference

The following content is presented by the LMA West Region.

Title: How to Do BD Tech Without a BD Technologist
Domain: Technology Management
Presenter: Jennifer A. Klyse, Owner and Principal, Klyse Advisory Group LLC
How do you manage your business development and marketing technology if you don't have a dedicated tech resource within your department? Do you rely exclusively and extensively on your firm's IT department? Outside contractors? Product help lines?
Join us to learn about different approaches to BD Tech for firms without this dedicated role, including:

  • What types of products, services and applications are available that don't require ongoing technical attention or that only need minimal oversight?
  • How should you evaluate and plan for your firm's BD technology ecosystem given your staffing levels?
  • How should this affect your system deployments?
  • How can you educate yourself in order to make informed decisions?
  • When is "doing it manually" better than implementing a system in this scenario?

Title: Best Practices in Blogging
Domains: Business Development, Client Services, Communications
Presenter: Michelle Woodyear, Director of Digital Marketing
Blogging is much more than content, articles and readers. Blogging, as it blossomed 15 years ago, is a conversation. Listening first, engagement second, are the keys to strategic blogging for business development. In the name of content marketing, law firms and lawyers have lost site of the essence of blogging. Learn how blogging to grow business is really done.

Title: How ERM Signature Scraping is Transforming the CRM Landscape
Domain: Technology Management
Presenter: Todd Miller, CEO, gwabbit
ERM has evolved dramatically in recent years with the introduction of email signature scraping, challenging the original assumptions that form the foundation of CRM. Chief among these problematic assumptions is that CRMs will trigger an enterprise-wide change in human behavior, causing attorneys to save and update their address book contacts that are essential to the success of CRMs.

While many firms rethink their CRM strategies, not all rethink the data strategies that are the most common cause of CRM failure. ERMs armed with signature scraping have exposed the massive deficit of current high-value contacts available to the CRM for growth of revenue and market share, with as many as 200% of enterprise contacts either missing or out-of-date.

This session illustrates how ERM has shown a spotlight on the CRM data issues and how successful firms are leveraging the tool to propel forward toward achieving their business development objectives.

Title: Differentiate or Die: Harness the Right Data, Generate Winning Proposals
Domains: Business Development, Business of Law, Client Services
Presenter: Keith Lipman, ESQ, President, Prosperoware
Clients are laser-focused on managing legal spend and shrinking their ‘go to’ panels. The weapon of choice to achieve this? RFPs – lots of them. This means firms must now differentiate themselves through a combination of experience and price—and the price, once agreed, sets clients’ expectations. It becomes the budget – and firms need to deliver to that budget. How can your firm track and leverage the right data to manage this process profitably? This TED Talk will focus on industry trends, what data innovative firms are capturing to quickly and winningly respond to the avalanche of RFPs, and why those firms with the right tools to track key data about clients, prospects and internal teams and leverage it to automate their proposals will have a distinct, long-term competitive advantage.

Member Price: $0
Prospective Member Price: $59

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