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Why Your Analytics Land With a Thud

Why Your Analytics Land With a Thud

Domain:  Technology Management

Although it’s easier than ever today to collect data, you may still be scratching your head when deciding how best to sift through these massive amounts of data to uncover the gems. What’s often even more difficult is developing reports that incite action and encourage future investment in the right strategies and optimizations—especially when your findings challenge the status quo. In this session, you’ll explore how to deliver reports that your stakeholders will actually care to read and how to make necessary shifts in your reporting strategy.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Establish the right baselines and goals to help you more accurately benchmark your progress towards KPIs
  • Move beyond simply showing your work to providing the right level of context around data trends that matter
  • Include stakeholders in the development of metrics to prevent surrogation, or the confusion of strategic intent with the metrics meant to represent it
  • Create an influential narrative around your results that helps you overcome bias, combat conventional thought and improve decision making

Ben Magnuson, Senior Data Strategist, One North Interactive

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79



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