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Technology Management Webinars

Scoping Work and Handling Changes: The Key to Reduced Write-Offs/Downs

Scoping Work and Handling Changes: The Key to Reduced Write-Offs/Downs

Domain: Business of Law, Client Services

Scoping the work effectively at the outset is critical to effective management to a budget, to preventing write-offs and to strong client relationships.   It is a simple process, but one that requires thinking differently about the work and the firm-client relationship. This workshop would include a case study where the learners would develop a scope of work document and then, deal with scope change issues and conversations as the project proceeds.

Topics include:

  • Understand the core elements of an effective scope of work document and how to develop one for an actual legal matter
  • Identify  the issues that hinder effective communication about scope changes
  • Learn keys to effective scoping and scope change conversations

Susan Raridon Lambreth, LawVision Group

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79

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