LMA 21-Day Social Media Challenge

Dates: May 31, 2024 - June 30, 2024
Domains: Communications & Technology Management
BoK Competencies: Interactive and Digital Marketing & Social Media and Engagement
Sponsored by: LMA Social & Digital Media SIG

The LMA Social & Digital Media SIG is pleased to announce its third year of our 21-Day Social Media Challenge. This year, elevate your social media skills with a challenge designed specifically for legal marketers at all levels of experience. Unpack the elements of a successful social media framework, from policy formulation to sophisticated analytics for organic posts and paid ads, all tailored to enhance your law firm’s branding and marketing objectives. This challenge is a combination of weekly meetings and practical tasks aimed at boosting your expertise in managing a comprehensive social media strategy.

The Challenge begins on May 31, 2024, and ends on June 30 (i.e., World Social Media Day). Every week, Challengers will follow a curated syllabus of weekly tasks including resources related to each week's assignment.

Each Friday (“FriYAY”) at 1:00 p.m. CT, participants will engage in a focused session where they will discuss the focus and task assigned for the week. We'll also be bringing back the “Wild Card Wednesday” discussions we started last year to explore breaking news topics in social media each week (excluding Juneteenth when we will bring it to you a day early).

Learning Outcomes:

  • Expert Guidance: Each session is led by social media experts specializing in legal marketing, ensuring you receive high-quality, relevant advice.
  • Practical Experience: Apply what you learn immediately with weekly tasks that build on each session’s topics, solidifying your skills in real-world scenarios.
  • Professional Networking: Collaborate and network with other legal marketers who are focused on enhancing their firm’s digital marketing strategies.
  • Comprehensive Learning: Cover the full spectrum of social media marketing, from policy to analytics, giving you a rounded understanding of all critical aspects.
Price: Complimentary for Members

Interested in joining the Challenge? Click the Purchase button below and reach out to education@legalmarketing.org if you have any questions. 

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