

Becoming a sponsor for the LMA Northeast Region provides a wide range of benefits for our business partners. It is a great way for your company to build visibility, enhance your reputation within the industry and effectively target more than 1,200 legal and professional services marketing and business development professionals from approximately 300 law firms, including 70% of the AmLaw 100 and 54% of the AmLaw 200.

The region also includes professionals focusing on areas, such as event management, pitches and proposals, digital marketing and marketing technology, CRM, mobile app development, graphic design, advertising, marketing communications and public relations. Many are decision makers with responsibility for marketing and business development budgets and expenses. 

The wide range of events and educational programs hosted by the LMA Northeast Region provide great opportunities to make business connections and broaden your reach to new potential clients.

The LMA Northeast has designed sponsorships to enable your company to reach legal marketing professionals far more quickly and efficiently than other methods of networking and promotion.


For sponsorship questions, contact Phil Flora, LMA Northeast Region Board Member and Sponsorship Liaison.