Canadian Region: LMANext Programs


LMANext is a program that was created and launched by the LMA Toronto Chapter (now LMA Canada) in October 2015. The program is designed to provide the next generation of legal marketers with original content, relevant programming, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals at a similar “age and stage” in their career. Check back regularly for lunch & learns, LMANext Spotlight, and other relevant resources.

 - Lindsey Bombardier, LMANext Co-creator

LMANext Committee

Michelle Bell is the Senior Business Development Manager at Miller Thomson LLP. Michelle works alongside lawyers to lead and provide strategic guidance in areas of opportunities. She assists the Litigation group nationally and ultimately serves as a conduit for connecting dots throughout the specialty areas in order to offer the firm's resources in the most effective manner. She identifies areas to play and tactics to win.

Sarah Huynh is the Marketing Specialist at Lenczner Slaght. In her role, she is responsible for a wide range of the firm’s branding and marketing programs including all facets of digital and content marketing.

Interested in getting involved? Contact Michelle Bell for more information.

Past Sessions 

  • Ask Me Anything: President Edition - July 21, 2022
  • Ask Me Anything: Law Firm Events in a Post-COVID Era - October 15, 2021
  • Can I Go to Woodstock? Telling Stories that Motivate Specific Actions - May 14, 2021
  • Ready, Set, Share! The Impact of Successful Digital Marketing Part Two - May 26, 2020 
  • Mastering the Basics: The Power of Events - November 25, 2019 
  • Ask me Anything (Reddit Style) - October 21, 2019 
  • Mastering the Basics: Presentation Skills - March 18, 2019
  • Refresh, Like & Share! The Impact of Successful Digital Marketing - May 28, 2019 
  • Get Better at Talking to Everyone - March 23, 2018 
  • Ask Me Anything - August 30, 2017 
  • Setting Yourself Up for Success & Owning Your Future - April 21, 2017
  • Chambers Survival Guide - November 2, 2016 
  • Organizing the World of Social Networking - May 25, 2016
  • RFPs: Saving Lawyers' Time & Winning New Business - April 1, 2016 
  • Legal Marketing 101 - November 17, 2015 

Program Materials 

Below are links to our program materials from our first year of lunch & learns.

LMANext Spotlight 

Interested in writing a piece for LMANext? It's easy, just connect with us!

Thanks to our Sponsors

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