Turning Busy Lawyers Into Recognized Thought Leaders

Turning Busy Lawyers Into Recognized Thought Leaders

Domain: Communications

Examine how to leverage your firm’s greatest asset, the knowledge of your people, to build your brand and turn your people into the go-to experts in their field. You’ll discover how to transform thought leadership from a time-consuming hassle into an authentic and easy process for driving valuable engagement with your most important clients and prospects. Leave with your own expert marketing workbook and the skills to turn your own firm’s busy experts into recognized thought leaders.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Know when changes in client behavior require a new approach from your firm
  • Give clients what they want from thought leadership
  • Use content to engage with clients and prospects

Connor Kinnear, Chief Marketing Officer, Passle
Linda Orton, Chief Marketing Officer, Alvares & Marshal Holdings, LLC

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79

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