The State of the Legal Market Post COVID-19

The State of the Legal Market Post COVID-19

Domains: Business Development, Business of Law

Way before the current pandemic and global lockdowns, the term VUCA was used in many business settings. VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity and was first used back in the late 80s. In a matter of a couple of weeks in most parts of the world, our personal and professional lives reflected all the elements of VUCA. Many would be glad if the word “unprecendented” was not used again for a long time. Yet, it is also clear that there are many benefits to the legal profession that will develop out of the remote working and other changes that were forced upon us.

Our closing panel will bring together a group of thought leaders for the legal profession as they propose what our firms, legal departments and other legal organizations will look like going forward. Our speakers who lead within their organizations and with their clients will suggest changes to your roles, your organizations and the profession and will have a spirited debate about possible changes in client needs and perspectives, competitors and collaborators, the role of ALSPs and “New Law”, pricing post lockdown, business professional roles and more. This group of leaders will take on the toughest questions you want to submit and offer their best thinking on the path forward.

Topics Include:

  • Discuss what our firms, legal departments and other legal organizations will look like going forward
  • Debate about possible changes in client needs and perspectives , competitors and collaborators, the role of ALSPs and “New Law”, pricing post lockdown, business professional roles and more

Susan Raridon Lambreth, LawVision
Richard Burcher, Validatum (UK) Limited
Stephen Poor, Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Joe Borstein, EY Law

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79

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