The Psychology of Rainmaking: Using What We Know from Psych 101 to Drive Lawyers Efforts Forward

The Psychology of Rainmaking: Using What We Know from Psych 101 to Drive Lawyers Efforts Forward

Domain: Business Development, Marketing Management and Leadership

At its most basic, business development is about people. Whether fostering relationships with potential clients, collaborating with colleagues, or cultivating and nurturing the know how to become a rainmaker, legal business is people business. Understanding andimplementing psychological principals adds potent ingredients to business development professional’s toolbox. Motivation, fostering valuable relationships, understanding similarities and differences among individuals and strategic thinking can all be enhancedthrough utilizing principles found inside the discipline of human behavior. This workshop will present concepts, illustrate ways that psychology has been used to drive business in law firms and engage participants to discuss creative ways to implement imparted ideas with given scenarios.

Key Takeaways:

  • Why lawyers resist business development and what to do about it
  • Ways to motivate lawyers to sustain their business development activities
  • How to align each lawyers approach to business develop using his/her strengths, comfort zone, life style and personality
  • How/when gender difference impact business development
  • Using current communication patterns to foster strong internal and external relationships

Karen Kahn, Managing Partner, Threshold Advisors, LLC

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79

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