LPM & Staffing: A New Component of Matter Planning

LPM & Staffing: A New Component of Matter Planning

Domain: Business of Law, Client Services

As firms progress beyond the initial stage of hiring and developing an LPM team and program, a new focus for LPM is thoughtful staffing of matters and portfolios of legal work. In this session, we will discuss the intersection of alternative staffing models, external or alternative service providers, firm and practice division leverage and profitability as facets that impact staffing of legal work in law firms. We will also demonstrate practical tools and tactics to monitor and manage staffing.

Topics include:

  • Demonstrate the impact of staffing on pricing and profitability
  • Discuss the challenges present in helping attorneys staff their matters or portfolios of legal work
  • Brainstorm and share creative staffing alternatives and discuss ways to support staffing proposals that are focused on the needs of the client 

Bree Johnson, Robins Kaplan
James H Shoemaker, ALPP, Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.

Member Price: $59

Prospective Member Price: $79

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