Competitive Intelligence SIG Membership Call

Competitive Intelligence SIG Membership Call

Sponsored by: Competitive Intelligence SIG
Domain: Marketing Management and Leadership
Competency: Department Management and Motivation

LMA's CI SIG will be hosting a membership call and we want to hear from you! There have been several changes due to COVID-19 and we're looking to connect with our peers to discuss what challenges you're facing and share ideas on how to overcome these issues.

We will be discussing the following:

  • How COVID is impacting the industry and are there any differences by firm type? (e.g., plaintiff firms’ increased emphasis on filing membership fee refund suits)
  • What is being asked of the BI/CI teams in this new environment?
  • How can we, as research professionals, keep ourselves mentally and physically healthy? (working from home, no “water cooler” or in-person chats)

Also, feel free to bring your own topic, question, or issue for the group to discuss! This is your call and we're looking forward to hearing from you.

Anne Reavis, CI SIG Co-Chair
Lynne Kilgore, CI SIG Co-Chair
Ben Brighoff, former CI SIG Co-Chair

Price: Complimentary for Members

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