The Data-led Marketing Department: How Data Helped Firms Make Sense of a New World

The Data-led Marketing Department: How Data Helped Firms Make Sense of a New World

Domain: Business Development, Marketing Management and Leadership, Technology Management

The pandemic has been a catalyst for change and has accelerated disruption in the legal industry. Consequently, legal marketers were forced to become more nimble, creative, and (most importantly) tactical in their marketing and business development approaches. This interactive discussion will focus on how firms have embraced data and analytics to drive growth through a year of massive upheaval. From metric-driven client development plans to predictive analytics, hear case studies and war stories from the leaders who embraced "strategic adaptation."

Learning Outcomes:
  • Discover how marketers are leading transformation and marketing innovation to unlock growth
  • Optimize how your firm looks at data and metrics to build the right framework for success
  • Describe how to drive influence on marketing decisions through analytics
Jennifer Dezso, Director, Client Relations, Thomson Reuters

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79

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