Southwest: LMANext 2025 Program


LMANext 2025 Program

Registration closes Friday, March 14

The LMA Southwest Region is excited to announce the launch of the LMANext 2025 Program. LMANext is a professional development program aimed at providing ongoing professional development to newly minted legal marketers through a training and mentorship program.

The LMANext Program will include regular one-on-one meetings between mentors and mentees as well as three live webinars. As LMANext 2025 Program participants, mentees will be matched with executives within the legal marketing industry.

When: The program will span from March 2025 to September 2025 Cost for Mentees: $100 for LMA members and $150 for non-LMA members

If you would like to participate as a mentor (5+ years of legal marketing experience), please email for your registration.

Registration closes Friday, March 14, 2025.

LMA Body of Knowledge:  Marketing Management & Leadership


A Zoom link will be emailed in advance of the event. 

Member - Mentee: $100 
Non-Member - Mentee $150 

If you are inquiring to become a mentor, please email for more information on your registration. 



What is the time commitment expected from mentees and mentors?

The LMANext 2025 Program runs from March-September 2025. The Program will include three one-hour educational webinars and 1x1 calls between mentors and mentees.

Mentees are asked to attend all three webinars. Mentors will have access to the webinars and may attend if they desire, but not required.

Mentees can expect 1-2 hours of active participation per month; mentors can expect to be active 1 hour per month on LMANext commitments.

Is there a qualification process for mentees?


  • To become a mentee, you must be enrolled in the LMANext program to participation in the mentorship and training aspect of the program; and
  • You must work within the Southwest Region (Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah) area.


  • Meet at least every other month with your mentor (up to 4 times, unless the mentor and mentee pairing decide to increase the number of 1x1 meetings), remembering to accommodate the mentor's schedule and location;
  • Set up meetings with your mentors and prepare an and discussion points to streamline all discussions;
  • Respond to requests for evaluations or surveys related to the LMANext program; and
  • Attend LMASW Region programs with mentors when possible.

Our ideal mentee would have less than seven years of marketing/communication experience or be a newer member to the legal marketing industry. However, this is not required.

What are the qualifications of mentors?
  • Mentors must work in the Southwest Region (Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah) area. You can be a law firm in-house marketing professional, consultant or vendor.
  • Mentors typically will have 5+ years of professional legal marketing experience or 8+ years marketing expertise; however, it is not required.
  • Mentors are typically manager, director and CMO level marketers.
  • Mentors will be sharing their experiences, giving advice and providing teachable moments
  • Meet with mentees on a regular ongoing basis over the duration of the Program.
  • Meet at least three times during the Program period.
  • Program obligation ends in September though the Mentor/Mentee can continue their relationship beyond that point if they wish.
  • Must provide biography and background information for mentoring materials and mentor selection.
  • Must provide LMANext Chair Holly McCleary with updates or information as requested e.g. evaluations, interim reports, surveys, etc.
  • Attend LMA Local Group programs with mentees when possible.
  • Mentors will be given access to audit any programs to ensure consistent communication of best practices, etc. discussed in the programming.
How will you pair mentors and mentees?

We will pair mentors and mentees based on their niche area of legal marketing (business development, PR, pricing, department management, etc.) to try to find the most compatible skillsets possible. We also will take into account the mentee's and mentor's request for a partner in a similar location to them.

How will programming be delivered?

All programming will be delivered either via webinar or live in person depending on the location of the participants. We expect to have an updated calendar out soon with details on live events and webinar events.

For questions or concerns about your event registration, please contact

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