Budget Planning for 2022: Using Lessons Learned During the Pandemic to Influence Strategic Planning

Budget Planning for 2022: Using Lessons Learned During the Pandemic to Influence Strategic Planning

Sponsored by: LMA Solo/Small Team SIG
Domain: Marketing Management and Leadership
BoK Competency: Budgeting

As we emerge from the pandemic and evaluate our legal marketing budgets, there are several tactics we can use to develop and justify our budget. Whether it is advocating for a cut in sponsorships or Chambers profiles, or investing in new digital marketing platforms, we’ll discuss a few strategies on how to approach 2022 budget planning. Join us for an interactive Zoom meeting where two in-house legal marketers will set up the foundation of the discussion and then utilize break-out rooms to share ideas in a facilitated small group discussion.

Gina Eliadis, Director, Marketing & Business Development, Goodell, Devries, Leech & Dann, LLP
Cara Seidl, Marketing Director, Dentons Davis Brown PC

Members: Complimentary

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