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Positivity Series IV – LMA Midwest members share their recent positive experiences

During 2020, staying positive is key. One of the positives I’ve recently noticed is that our members are appreciating the ways their current work and life circumstances have given them the perspective to see the positive over the negative.

Recently, we have had these Midwest members share heartwarming and inspiring stories to show us that staying positive is alive and well: Deborah Weinstock from Minneapolis, Catherine Williams from Indianapolis, and Samantha Esposito from Chicago.

Here is some further positivity to help fuel us during these times…

Sara Pierson from Omaha

Sara’s Professional Positive

Sara shares with us that, for her, she was at an unusual place professionally when Covid really hit back in March. She had started as the Marketing and Business Development Manager with Fraser Stryker just six months before in October 2019. Although she wasn’t new to marketing, she was new to the legal industry. She said that learning the legal industry during a pandemic felt like when a 90’s sitcom fast-forwards a scene to show how fast a teenager cleans up a party before their parents come home.

She then shared that the beauty of it all was that she truly felt like it’s made her a better marketer, both for the firm and for her own professional development. She’s gained a deep understanding of marketing for the legal industry that is invaluable. The pandemic also helped her to build stronger connections and trust with the attorneys. The trust that’s been built since March is something she says may have taken longer to build, had the need for marketing and client communication not been so intense and quickly changing. She says that – but for the uncanny timing of Covid – all of this wouldn’t have likely occurred. And, for that, she is grateful.

Sara’s Personal Positive

Sara says that the most valuable personal outcome that has come from all of this is the need to “get creative” with finding things to do. She says anyone who knows her well, knows that she doesn’t sit still very well. Her idea of “relaxing” is by doing or experiencing (i.e. gardening, digging into home projects, going to concerts or sporting events with family and friends). She says that she’s been in an apartment since moving to Omaha when she started with Fraser Stryker last year, so that fact, combined with the restrictions and need for social distancing, meant most of her normal “go-to” activities were off the table.

She says that the pandemic forced her to look into other activities to keep this “busy-body” of hers from growing bored. She discovered a love for kayaking and rediscovered her love/hate relationship with golf. Her and her goldendoodle found out how many fantastic walking and hiking trails there are in Omaha. She says she even tried her hand at a few Instagram-worthy dinners and put together some crazy-looking 1000 piece puzzles.

Sara says that her initial disappointment at not being able to experience the awesome Omaha-exclusive events and activities in the spring and summer (hello College World Series!) really got to her, but she’s been grateful for the ability to see her new home town through a different set of eyes.

Sara’s Unexpected Positive

The most unexpected positive outcome for Sara came the ability to slow down and seek out the positive around her: strangers helping their community with food donations, a beautiful sunset, unique neighborhood architecture. About two months into the pandemic, she says she noticed how stressed she felt and realized it stemmed from how much she was getting sucked into the news of each day. She wanted to stay informed, but the amount she was watching went beyond just providing information.

Sara cites her favorite quote: “The most powerful weapon against your daily battles is finding the courage to be grateful anyway.” (author unknown – but she says if someone does know who it is to let her know!). She says sometimes we can’t control what’s going on around us, but we can control how we react to it.

She shared that she knew she had to change her mindset, so she made a conscious effort to seek out the good around her more than she was consuming the news. Sara says that this has helped her find a balance that provides peace and perspective during what has been a stressful time for all.

Thank you Sara! Truly beautiful and very real sentiments in there. We appreciate it all!