LMA Northeast Presents: APIs in Action – Driving Revenue through CI & CRM Integration

LMA Northeast Presents: APIs in Action – Driving Revenue through CI & CRM Integration

Recorded 5/17/2023

Legal marketers know that market intelligence is key to informing strategy to grow firm revenues. With so many resources available, and not enough time to consume them, it may feel like you are drowning in a sea of data. Technology solutions - including APIs - abound to help firms corral their data resources into actionable intelligence. In this session, Kelly Harbour, Chief Business Development Officer at Goulston Storrs, Emily Jasper, Director, Company Information Services, at S&P Global Market Intelligence, Ron Bass, Practice Group Lead, KM & 3rd Party Partnerships at InTapp, and Andrew Hutchinson, CEO at Databall, will share the why, what and how of API implementation.

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