DIY Podcasting: Maximizing Your Impact with Minimal Investment

DIY Podcasting: Maximizing Your Impact with Minimal Investment

Sponsored by: Solo/Small Team SIG
Domains: Communications & Technology Management
BoK Competencies: Interactive and Digital Marketing & Communications Software and Platforms

Join the Solo/Small Team SIG to explore how to create and produce a successful, high-quality podcast without breaking the bank. Participants will learn why you should be podcasting and how to develop a compelling show format, as well as podcast promotion strategies. In addition, we will explore affordable equipment options, free or low-cost software tools, and effective techniques for recording and editing audio and video podcasts.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discuss why firms should be podcasting
  • Discover how to develop podcast format
  • Identify cost-effective tools and resources
  • Learn techniques for recording and editing audio and video podcasts


Stefanie Marrone, Director of Business Development and Marketing, Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP


Members: Complimentary
Prespective Members: $79