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PR Is More In Demand Than Ever: How Communicators Can Cut Through the Noise and Deliver Value

PR Is More In Demand Than Ever: How Communicators Can Cut Through the Noise and Deliver Value

Sponsored by: PR & Communications SIG
Domain: Communications
BoK Competency: Media Relations/PR

Whether you’re a solo marketer, in-house PR pro or part of large legal marketing team, the demand for communication services is on the rise. How can you manage this wave of work? Join our PR SIG Co-Chairs Heather McMichael and Debra Pickett as they chat with PR SIG members on what their top communication challenges are today. We’ll share results of a national survey of nearly 500 communicators about what’s impacting their teams, discuss some best practices for meeting those challenges and hear from you with questions for our experts and tips for your colleagues. You will also meet next year’s incoming PR SIG Co-Chair Jeanne Hoff. Grab your favorite snack and join us on September 29, at Noon CST for an engaging and lively conversation on one of our favorite topics – the continuing evolution of legal public relations.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify key PR trends and challenges facing law firm communicators
  • Discuss best practices for setting priorities and achieving key PR goals
  • Connect with LMA resources and colleagues 

Heather McMichael, Director of Communications, Shook, Hardy & Bacon
Debra Pickett, Principal Consultant, Page 2 Communications
Jeanne Hoff, Business Development Manager, Sullivan & Cromwell

Price: Complimentary for Members

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