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Technology Management Webinars

Plaintiff Firms: Increase Profitability Using Quant Law Theory

Plaintiff Firms: Increase Profitability Using Quant Law Theory

Domain: Business of Law

Quant Law uses technology to streamline and enhance profitability, allowing firms to make decisions based on data, not gut feelings and emotion.

Topics Include:

  • Financial Forecasting – Understand how to calculate ROI for every marketing dollar invested in your firm.
  • Case Study: Morgan & Morgan – Gain insight into how the country’s largest personal injury firm uses Quant Law techniques to run their firm as a business.
  • Intake Management – Correctly measure your performance of prospect contact and find the right intake management or CRM tool for your firm.

Pamela Foster, Principal, Pamela Powered Inc.
Andrew Nasrinpay, Partner, MeanPug

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79


This session includes video, audio and synced presentations for an enhanced virtual learning experience. 

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