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2019 Next Big Thing: Service Metamorphosis – Driving Performance Improvement

2019 Next Big Thing: Service Metamorphosis – Driving Performance Improvement

Domains: Client Services, Business of Law

“Service” has been talked about for more than 30 years. And, if we are honest, our profession should receive an “F” for its efforts. The law firm’s historic culture and structure make measurable, firmwide improvement slow at best and impossible at worst. Hear from two CMOs whose law firms are well on their way on the service continuum, plus strategies and tactics to help law firms of any size.

Hear from two CMOs whose law firms are well on their way on the service continuum, plus strategies and tactics to help law firms of any size. There are four stages of performance (and you can start where your firm is) similar to the metamorphosis of the egg into the butterfly. These correspond to the objectives for this session.

Topics include:

  • Stage One — Egg: Learn how to design a new beginning in the client/lawyer relationship, which easily scales to the size of the firm.
  • Stage Two — Caterpillar: Learn how to identify the action that needs to be designed by the law firm. Learn how to hold conversations that uncover the relationship strategy and the “how” elements that will drive performance improvement.
  • Stage Three — Chrysalis: Learn how to set a clear vision of the desired relationship and performance improvement goals. Lawyers are accountable for measurable outcomes and ensuring that the needle is moving.
  • Stage Four — Adult: Learn what it looks like when clients and lawyers are thriving together.

Melanie Green, Chief Cient Development Officer, Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
Terra Liddell, Chief Marketing Officer, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
Deborah McMurray, Chief Executive Officer and Strategy Architect, Content Pilot, LLC
Douglas Tumminello, Partner, Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP

Member Price: $0
Prospective Member Price: $79

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