Career Center FAQs

Career Center Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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  • How do I post a job?

    Connect to your Employer profile using your LMA login. You must be logged in to receive the member rate. If you do not have a login, join LMA or create a guest profile now!

    You can click on the “Post a Job” link under the Quick Links menu on the left side of your account landing page. This will bring you to the “Post/Create a Job” page. Choose the type of posting you wish to purchase and scroll down to enter your posting details.

    Please be sure to fill in all required fields marked with a red *. All other fields are not required; however we do recommend you provide as much information as possible to the job seekers. When you have entered all the information you can preview and post your job.

  • How quickly does the job get posted after payment?

    The job postings may take up to an hour to become viewable on the career site by job seekers. Please note that you may not be able to search for your position by all possible search terms immediately after the posting goes live, as it can take up to 24 hours for all of the possible keyword combinations to be entered into our search system.

  • How do I edit my job listing?

    To edit a currently posted job log in to your employer account and click on the “My Jobs” tab. Here you will see the name of your position listed and to the right an icon with the heading of Actions. Mouse over this icon and click on the Edit link.

  • How do I cancel/remove my Job Bank post?

    To Remove your post, log in to your employer account and click on the “My Jobs” tab. Here you will see the name of your position listed and to the left a checkbox. Check the box and then click the stop button above.

    Please note that LMA will only refund up to two job posts accidentally made by members at the nonmember rate. To ensure you are charged the correct amount, please log in to before starting the job-posting process.
  • How do I renew my Job Bank post?

    You can begin renewing your posting up to 4 days before it is about to expire and up to 4 days after it expires. To renew a job posting, login to your employer account and click on the “My Jobs” tab. Here you will see the name of your position and to the right an icon with the heading of Actions. Mouse over this icon and click on the Renew link.