Business of Law, Profitability and Pricing, Content Level, Essential, Content Type, Event Recording, Firm Size, All Sizes, Merchandise, 2020, LMA International | Business of Law

Drum Roll Please... the Results from “The Biggest Law Firm Profitability Survey Ever!”

Drum Roll Please... the Results from “The Biggest Law Firm Profitability Survey Ever!”

Domain: Business of Law

Iridium Technology and LawVision have joined up to run a detailed annual survey on law firm profitability.  This will be the first time that the results will be presented from the second yearly survey.  The survey consists of over sixty questions and goes deep into the “nuts and bolts” of profitability allocations. Topics covered include most common allocation methods, handling exceptions, profitability and partner compensation, and cultural issues preventing wider adoption of profitability solutions. 

Topics Include:

  • Understand the drivers for establishing a profitability-based culture and the most common partner objections.
  • Identify the most popular expense allocation methods used by law firms
  • Describe how partner compensation is worked into profitability calculations
  • Discuss firm strategies for handling exceptions such as rainmakers or business development expenses

Tom Jones, Iridium Technology
Mark Medice, LawVision

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79