Business Development, Competitive Intelligence, Business of Law, Lawyer Talent Recruitment, Compensation, Professional Development and Retention, Content Level, Advanced, Content Type, Webinar Recording, Firm Size, All Sizes, Shared Interest Group, Competitive/Market Intelligence SIG, Merchandise, LMA International, Virtual Event, 2020, LMA International | Business of Law, LMA International | Business Development

Laterals & Talent: Finding the Right People - Part 1

Laterals & Talent: Finding the Right People - Part 1

Sponsored by: Competitive/Market Intelligence SIG
Domains: Business Development and Business of Law
Competencies: Competitive Intelligence and Attorney Talent Recruitment, Compensation, Professional Development and Retention

The lateral market is hotter than ever, yet many firms continue to struggle with lackluster performance from lateral hires. Industry experts peg success rates at 50/50 - not a ringing endorsement as a fail-safe strategy. Yet proper due diligence can make a significant difference.

In this two-part series, we explore how to leverage data into higher success rates. Our conversation includes:

  • Finding the right lateral hires - what the research shows
  • Using data to determine portability of work and suitability of candidates
  • Performing benchmark analyses to isolate talent gaps and opportunities
  • Creating a talent matrix to evaluate operational models and succession planning needs
  • Crafting a value proposition using data to attract and secure lateral candidates
  • Supporting integration with CI

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the current state of lateral hiring among law firms and identify the challenges and pitfalls of lateral hiring
  • Learn a variety of research strategies and due diligence measures that will help improve success rates of lateral hires
  • Delineate the role of CI in all stages of lateral hiring, from identification to integration

Marcie Borgal Shunk, President & Founder, The Tilt Institute
Betsy Chessler, Competitive Intelligence Manager, Morrison & Foerster LLP

Price: Complimentary for Members