Business Development, Competitive Intelligence, Sales Techniques, Technology Management, Client and Relationship Management (CRM), Content Level, Essential, Content Type, Webinar Recording, Firm Size, All Sizes, Shared Interest Group, Competitive/Market Intelligence SIG, Merchandise, LMA International, Virtual Event, 2020, LMA International | Technology Management, LMA International | Business Development
The ERM Odyssey 2021: The Future is (Almost) Here
The ERM Odyssey 2021: The Future is (Almost) Here

Sponsored by: Competitive/Market Intelligence SIG
Domains: Business Development & Technology Management
BoK Competencies: Sales and Networking Techniques, Competitive Intelligence, & Consumer Relationship Management (CRM)
Because law firms already own the “data key” to unmined relationships, the ability to surface such data through Enterprise Relationship Management (ERM) and Relationship Intelligence has always held huge promise for big wins in legal MarTech. The ERM Odyssey is entering a new “enlightened” phase, clarifying why relationship analytics might belong at the top of your tech stack rather than as a peripheral. With nearly 15 years’ experience consulting with law firms on relationship intelligence, NDVR Strategist Richard Hefner discusses the evolution of ERM in legal, where we are currently, and why the future is now within reach. Topics include assessing your firm’s needs and resources to find a real, workable ERM solution, or how to get more out of your current ERM tool by leveraging its API and other tools to mine increasingly granular (and lucrative) data.
Learning Outcomes:
- Learn Foundations of ERM and Relationship Intelligence
- Explore the vast promise of ERM – and why it is being fulfilled now
- Create a plan to get exactly what you need with your resources
Richard R. Hefner, CEO,
Members: Complimentary
Prospective Members: $79