Business of Law, Firm and Practice Strategy and Planning, Communications, Crisis Communications, Media/Public Relations, Message and Strategy Planning, Content Level, Essential, Content Type, Event Recording, Firm Size, All Sizes, Merchandise, LMA International, Educational Event, 2022, LMA International | Business of Law, LMA International | Communications

Strategy Over Chaos: Responding to a Crisis

Strategy Over Chaos: Responding to a Crisis

Strategy Over Chaos: Responding to a Crisis
Domain: Communications, Business of Law

How do you respond when a crisis occurs?  A crisis can put a firm under incredible pressure, with the management team often relying heavily on the skills and capabilities of senior communications and marketing team members to shape its response.  Developed by those who have experienced some of the toughest communications challenges in the profession, this interactive workshop takes participants through a series of different events in a hypothetical crisis and explores how it gets handled along with scope for ‘war stories’ from the audience and panel.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Discuss some of the pressures a firm can face, identify key stakeholders in crisis response and articulate the value that marketing communicators bring to crisis response
  • Explain how  to apply elements of strategic communication (connecting message to audience via media) to crisis response 
  • Describe different communications strategies to respond
  • Recognize that the end of the world may not be nigh
Chris Hinze, Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer, Steptoe & Johnson LLP (moderator)
Debra Pickett, Principal Consultant, Page 2 Communications
Robin Gerard, Chief Marketing Officer, Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth
Stephen Hastings, Director of Communications & Media Relations, Winstead PC

Member Price: $59
Prospective Member Price: $79