Midwest Event News

Q4 Message from Your Chicago LSC!

Hey Chicago!

We are in the home stretch of Q4.

What a year we are having. To all our incredibly hard-working members, I hear you. This year continues to mess with us a bit; the workload is truly unrelenting and often overwhelming, and many firms are in the throes of dealing with adjustments based on the economic reports to adapt to the unknown factors at this current moment in time. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… hang in there. You’re almost to the finish line of 2022.

As always, I want to take a quick moment to acknowledge and thank the efforts of the Chicago Local Steering Committee (LSC): Jordan Navarro, Lynmarie Lane, Sara Anstoetter, Michael Sandler, Lauren Boyer, Donna Shaft and Sue Robinson. Sincere thanks. What we produce for our members is only possible because of you!

2 key things to share with you…

  • In person. We trialed a return to in person for a Summer Social, and we are thrilled to report it was a success. Not only did the Chicago weather really turn on the good stuff for us (resulting in the perfect summer evening along the Chicago river!), we saw new faces, old faces, and returning faces that night. I left feeling incredibly energized how our members came back together to enjoy what we clearly all love doing the most: getting together. Given this success, we are now planning a Holiday Social and also hope to combine it with a program to help us all after an unrelenting year.
  • Premium Programming. We have bonus programming coming up in November (details to be released shortly!) which has premium content for our members, above and beyond what is ordinarily provided. We’re really excited to offer this final programming piece. This content will be highly tailored towards the different needs of our members so that our members can pick and choose what they need the most from this premium level of programming.

As always, we encourage any of you to reach out to us directly with any questions, feedback or comments: kate@khspeople.com

We are here for you, anytime.

Warm regards,
