Content Type, Event Recording, Merchandise, Northeast, New York

Northeast Recording: New York MarTech SIG "Build It and They Will Come" - Alumni Programs"

Northeast Recording: New York MarTech SIG "Build It and They Will Come" - Alumni Programs"

Northeast Recording: New York MarTech SIG "Build It and They Will Come" - Alumni Programs"

Recorded 11/14/2022

Join this program to learn how three law firm alumni-relation professionals launched and integrated top-notch alumni programs. The panel will share their best-kept secrets on how to successfully keep alumni engaged connected to your firm and build internal buy-in for your programming – regardless of the size of your firm!

Our panelists will discuss about their journey and share best practices in establishing an alumni program, including:

  • How to define alumni
  • Which data points to track
  • What systems to use
  • Quick and easy wins
  • Learn best practices
  • Lessons learned
  • Methodologies


Pricing:  LMA members FREE.  All others $25