Marketing Management and Leadership, Firm Organizational Structure and Dynamics, Content Level, Essential, Content Type, Webinar Recording, Firm Size, All Sizes, Shared Interest Group, CMO/Senior Marketer SIG, Merchandise, LMA International, Virtual Event, 2020, LMA International | Marketing Management & Leadership

Managing Firm Culture in Times of Change

Managing Firm Culture in Times of Change

Managing Firm Culture in Times of Change

Sponsored by: CMO SIG
Domain: Marketing Management and Leadership
Competency: Firm Organizational Structure and Dynamics

Organizational culture provides a common understanding for how to operate within firms.  Managed well, culture aids organizations in their ability to execute strategy.  Managed poorly, culture often saps the energy of its people and hinders organizational success.

Organizational culture is very difficult to manage, especially for large firms with multiple locations.  This task becomes all the more challenging and important in today’s changing legal landscape, further complicated by the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. How do we best manage our firm cultures to optimize the use of our talent, enhance employee engagement, and reduce turnover?

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the key principles for aligning firm culture with strategy
  • Identify and tweak firm culture to adopt to the changing legal environment
  • Align employee behavior with firm culture and strategic goals

Katherine D'Urso, Chief Client Development Officer, WilmerHale
Jan Anne Dubin, MBA, CEO and Founder, Jan Anne Dubin Consulting & Chief Growth Officer, Life Cross Training
Michael Sacks, Professor in the Practice of Organization and Management & Vice Provost, Emory University

Price: Complimentary for Members