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LinkedIn for Law Firm Marketing – Are you Getting the Most from Your Posts?
LinkedIn for Law Firm Marketing – Are you Getting the Most from Your Posts?

Sponsored by: Solo/Small Team SIG
Domains: Business Development & Communications
BoK Competencies: Business Development Planning and Coaching/Training & Interactive and Digital Marketing
LinkedIn can be a very powerful business tool for professionals and companies alike. But is your firm getting the most out of your company page posts? Are your attorneys posting on their own pages, or just assuming it’s enough for marketing to post to the company page? What about those LinkedIn paid campaigns – are they worth it?
Join the Solo/Small Team SIG for a discussion with Nancy Myrland, LinkedIn Coach for Lawyers, and digital marketing and social media pro, Guy Alvarez, as they share best practices for law firm marketers on using LinkedIn and advising your attorneys on how to use it.
Learning Outcomes:
- Discuss posting to the LinkedIn firm page vs. posting to an attorney’s profile
- Learn about paid LinkedIn Campaigns
- Learn how to teach your lawyers how and what to post to their own profiles
Nancy Myrland, President, Myrland Marketing & Social Media
Guy Alvarez, Founder & CEO, Good2bSocial
Members: Complimentary
Prospective Members: $79