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Canada: The One Where We Explore Your LMA Membership Benefits

Canada: The One Where We Explore Your LMA Membership Benefits

Event date: 4/9/2025 11:00 AM Export event

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The One Where We Explore Your LMA Membership Benefits

Wednesday, April 9 | Noon - 12:45 p.m. ET

Are you a member of LMA but barely logging in to access all your benefits? Maybe you visit the website but only to check out one or two specific links. Join us for a discussion on all aspects of the LMA Membership including: 

  • Benefits you can access as a member 
  • What's available to you as a non-member 
  • How to leverage your membership 
  • Volunteering and the path to board leadership

LMA Body of Knowledge:  Business of Law, Technology Management, Marketing Management & Leadership, Client Services, Business Development, Communications

A Zoom link will be emailed in advance of the event. 

LMA Members: Complimentary!
Prospective LMA Members: $35

For questions or concerns about your event registration, please contact

IMPORTANT! Click all the way through the registration process. 

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