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A Roundtable on Plaintiff-Firm Website Marketing

A Roundtable on Plaintiff-Firm Website Marketing

A Roundtable on Plaintiff-Firm Website Marketing

Sponsored by: Plaintiff Firm SIG
Domain: Communications
BoK Competency: Advertising and promotion

Direct-to-individual legal marketing is a deep (and sometimes complicated) topic that marketing teams deal with nearly every hour of the day. Messaging has to address the individual consumer of legal services where they are in a format they will accept. Join Plaintiff SIG co-chairs Delisi Friday and Jason Lisi, along with Kristyn Brophy (LISI’s Director of Client Strategy), to discuss the tips, strategies, and war stories related to their law firm websites in this lively presentation.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discuss the state of plaintiff-firm marketing today as it relates to your firm website.
  • Learn tips on how to more-effectively attract traffic to your firm’s website.
  • Share stories of best practices on lead generation, intake, and more.


Delisi Friday, Chief of Staff to RJon Robins, How to Manage a Law Firm
Jason P. Lisi, Esq., Founder and CEO, Legal Internet Solutions Incorporated
Kristyn Brophy, Director of Client Strategy, Legal Internet Solutions Incorporated 

Members: Complimentary
Prospective Members: $79