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A Firm’s Response to Racial Injustice: A Roundtable Discussion about Race and Social Media


Sponsored by: Social & Digital Media and Diversity & Inclusion SIGs
Domains: Communications & Marketing Management and Leadership
Competencies: Media Relations/PR & Firm Organizational Structure & Dynamics

Join the Social & Digital Media and Diversity & Inclusion SIGs for a roundtable discussion on Thursday, June 25, 2020. SIG co-chairs will lead a conversation with participants about recent current events and how legal marketing professionals approached their firm or company social media response.

Topics will include internal discussions regarding social media/website content, how departments and firms determined whether or not to release a social media post statement, and how content was created, reviewed, and approved. We’ll conclude with a short discussion about what happens next with regards to promoting D&I initiatives on social media.

We encourage video participation from attendees wishing to participate in the discussion!

Meghan Spradling, Social and Digital Media SIG Co-Chair
Lynn Foley, Social and Digital Media SIG Co-Chair
Gia Altreche, Diversity and Inclusion SIG Co-Chair
Rafeedah Keys, Diversity and Inclusion SIG Co-Chair

Price: Complimentary for Members

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